News & Events

Notice of Hearing on Revised Conservancy District Plan

Pursuant to the Order of the Elkhart Circuit Court, a hearing will be convened in the Elkhart Circuit Court, Goshen, IN on the 23rd day of June, 2017 at 1:30 pm.  The hearing has been requested by the Board of Directors of the Simonton Lake Conservancy District so as to seek from the Elkhart Circuit Court an order authorizing implementation of the revised Conservancy District Plan originally ordered by the Elkhart Circuit Court on August 5, 2016. The amended district plan has been submitted to the Indiana National Resource Commission which has favorably recommended implementation of the District Plan to the Elkhart Circuit Court.

Freeholders of the Simonton Lake Conservancy District are invited and encouraged to be in attendance at the hearing.  Any and all other interested individual s are also encouraged to be in attendance and to express to the Court an opinion regarding the proposed additional purposes covered by the amended District Plan.


Board of Directors,

Simonton Lake Conservancy District