
Why Join?

The Lake Association’s power to help our neighborhood and protect our lake is based on membership.  We are a highly organized association.  We produce a wonderful newsletter and informative website, work on projects that enhance and protect our lake, produce a calendar, organize community events, actively work on community safety and encourage the building of a sense of community in the lake area.  A majority of lake residents belong to the lake association. But more would put us is a strong position to have influence in the county and state.  If you are an Honorary Member even though you pay no dues, please fill out the membership card and send it in so we can count you in our statistics.

How to Join

The Membership year of the Lake Association goes from January 1 to December 31.  Dues reminders are mailed out just prior to the Lake Association meeting in December. As neighborhood associations go our dues are very reasonable.

Household Membership | $30.00

Senior Member (70-79) | $20.00

Senior Honorary Member (80 and over) | FREE Lifetime member, if renewed every year.

Dues help support the ecological projects, neighborhood garage sale, newsletter, new neighbor welcome bags, purchase of buoys and the website among other things.  Membership gives us clout when we go to the county or state on issues that affect the lake.

Click here to download and print the Lake Association Membership Form, then mail with your payment, to:

Simonton Lake Homeowner's Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 1706
Elkhart, IN 46515-1706

Questions about Membership?

Contact SLAHA Treasurer, Susie Broderick

Support the Neighborhood!  Support the Lake!

Join the Lake Association!