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Indiana Wetlands Bill Moves Forward
Why be concerned about this marshy area on the Little Lake?
Wetlands are vital to a healthy ecosystem and water resources. They provide water purification, groundwater recharge, and critical wildlife habitat. Wetlands act like giant sponges in the landscape absorbing 1 - 1.5 million gallons of water per acre which reduces flooding.
According to the Indiana General Assembly website this bill in its original form:
Repealed state regulated wetlands law.
Repealed the law requiring a permit from the IDEM for wetland activity in a state regulated wetland.
Stated that the repeal of that law is not intended to affect:
(1) the regulation in Indiana under the federal Clean Water Act of the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States; or
(2) the authorization of the state of Indiana to administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System permit program.
Provided that the repeal of that law extinguishes any judicial administrative proceeding concerning an alleged violation.
In short, in its original form this bill would have repealed most protections for state-regulated wetlands in Indiana and terminated all pending legal actions against persons who violated the Indiana wetlands law.
However, the bill also must go through the Indiana House. On April 7 the House Environmental Affairs Committee adopted Amendment 24, which preserves protection of most wetlands. On April 12 the bill will be eligible for more amendments on the House floor during 2nd reading.
The Lake Association is watching the progress of this bill. We will update you on our Facebook page.