News & Events
Be Safe on the Water!
Several reports have come to the Lake HOA board of “near misses” as wave runners come too close to people in the water at the sandbar!
PLEASE, PLEASE, as you run your boats and wave runners:
- stay away from boats anchored at the sandbar
- use “No Wake” speed while maneuvering in and out of the sandbar
Other safety reminders
- Wave runners: go slowly from shore until you are beyond 200 feet. There may be swimmers in the water!
- Swimmers: Do not swim in the middle of the lake without a swim buoy or your boat nearby.
- You must have an observer when pulling a skier or tuber behind your boat.
- 30 minutes prior to sunset you are supposed to slow down, no more skiing and tubing.
- No Wake in the channels! If the boat in front of you is going at “no wake” speed and you pass him, you must be creating a wake. While there is no specific rule about passing in channels, we are asking that you not pass unless there is an emergency.
- Use the buoys marking the channels to stay in the dredged areas. The buoys are out there for a reason.
The Lake Association is not trying to be the police BUT. . bottom line: We can either be safety minded boaters and “police” the lake ourselves OR Individual residents, fed up with bad behavior on the water, will start calling the local conservation officer and he will start handing out tickets. Conservation officers have the powerto board your boat, make arrests and more. Here is a link to the Indiana Boating Laws on the Simonton Lake HOA website.